
Logo Design and Tagline Writing Competition – 2021

  • Start: 07/01/2021
  • End: 15/01/2021

Venue: Kondagaon

Contest 2021

In order to provide a creative platform to the talented youth of Kondagaon district, the “tagline” and “logo design” competition is being organized by the district administration for the district. For this competition, the contestants will have to create “logo” and “tag line” showing the characteristics, culture, art, development works and progress of the district.

Best of all: “logo” and “tag line” will be selected by the district administration committee and this “tag line” and “logo” will be used by the district administration. To participate in this competition, the contestants will have to go to the link given in the website of the district and register with their name and full address and upload a brief description of their “logo” and photo of “logo” along with the tag. A brief description of ‘tag line’ for lines’ will also have to be given.

For these  “Logo Designs”, the first coming contestant will be given Rs 51 thousand, second will be given Rs 21 thousand and third will be given Rs 11 thousand and in the “Tag Line” competition, the first contestant will get Rs 11 thousand, second will get Rs 07 thousand. Rupees and third will be provided with 05 thousand rupees. Along with this, other participants included in the first 10 will be awarded citation.

In view of the corona infection, the entry sent by any participant in the office by letter will be considered invalid. Only through online medium, only contestants from Kondagaon district will be able to participate in this competition.

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