
District Logo and Tagline

Logo Descripton :-

The logo features the letter  “क”  housing a host of tribal elements. We see the natural beauty and the winding roads at the top. Mandari with madia and chitkuli with madin form the central pillar of the logo.Wind on the left curve, housing, agriculture and hunting on the right, with all this originating from a tribal at the base of the letter. Symbols of tribal design mingled with the three forward shaped arrows on the top right indicates progress of Kondagaon in years to come. The same is reflected in tribals dancing along the name कोंडानार, with coconut trees interspersed along the way, representing the high quality plantations and best produce of coconut in the country. The music of the Todi forms the matra of “को” as symbolic of the accent and flavour music adds to the tribal life of this region. The entire font is depicted to be made from bellmetal, whose origins lie in the heart of Kondagaon.